
Индивидуальные программы

introductory session introductory session

introductory session

Beginners (Adults)
Learn how to present in public and know the vocabulary associated . Through role plays and exercises , your teacher will lead you to introduce yourself.
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greet greet


Beginners (Adults)
Learn to greet , play with the teacher to say hello , to goodbye, thank you and good day . Course based on the exchange and communication.
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Learn to greet Learn to greet

Learn to greet

Beginners (Adults)
Know the courtesies, learn how to say hello and introduce themselves. Grammar lessons through practical examples and easy games.
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Action verbs Action verbs

Action verbs

Beginners (Adults)
Learn the first essential verbs in the life of every day. Through games of images, it will say or write the recognized verb.
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Ask a question when Ask a question when

Ask a question "when"

Beginners (Adults)
Learn to ask a simple question to communicate easily. With practice games, you can easily learn how to use " What"
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Ask and say d? Where we come Ask and say d? Where we come

Ask and say d? Where we come

Beginners (Adults)
Ask someone its origins, where it comes from ? Your teacher will review with you in the form of question and answer all situations.
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Ask and tell his telephone number Ask and tell his telephone number

Ask and tell his telephone number

Beginners (Adults)
Request or give his number is not always easy. Your teacher leads you to say or pronounce numbers quickly.
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Demand something Demand something

Demand something

Beginners (Adults)
Learn to ask questions in the right way is essential , Professor offers different ways to go about it . Grammar lessons through practical examples and easy games.
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figures figures


Beginners (Adults)
Learn to count , from the smallest to the greatest number . Being able to read and respond by numbers with the correct spelling .
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Invite neighbors to dinner Invite neighbors to dinner

Invite neighbors to dinner

Beginners (Adults)
You just moved into a neighborhood and you know anyone , ask your neighbors to get acquainted. During conversation with role play.
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